Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dugg and Crunched

This weekend saw a flurry of activity, with our fledgling company (and product) featured on TechCrunch and indirectly linked to from Digg. It was pretty exciting for a tiny startup with an alpha product.

We'd like to thank everyone for the overwhelming amount of positive feedback we received! At this point we are the victim of our own success, and spend nearly the entire weekend babysitting our server and reworking some of our backend code and rethinking some of the architecture. Getting placed on several large sites is an awful lot of traffic to serve up. In fact, we had to pull ourselves off the last large site we landed on - it more than QUADRUPLED our already-high weekend traffic instantaneously...

We also received a substantial amount of suggestions and improvements. Indeed, we are actively working every day to incorporate new and useful features into our young application and network. We've got big plans for an accounting system, user profiles, a network browser, a monetization solution to put revenue in the hands of our users, and lots of other things that we probably shouldn't even talk about at this point! :)

As you may have seen with the custom TechCrunch skin, in addition to providing a hosted chat solution, we are actively working with content destinations to deliver customized versions of our widget for their communities. We're thrilled to be working with the new media establishment (is that an oxymoron?) to help foster the development of vibrant communities around netvideos, podcasts, blogs, social networks, link directories, ... the list goes on! We think that our brand of fun and spontaneous communications will be an integral part of the new web!

Thanks everyone! More to come soon!

Mike H.
Chief Architect